It’s Been Awhile


Oh hello there old friend! How ya been? It’s been too long since I posted. I’m well thanks, better than ever with a new house, new job and new additions to the family. 

I moved, my nanny position ended (S, my nanny kid is good and I see her one day per week as she started preschool full time). I returned to teaching (and I said I wouldn’t). I really like where I work despite a forty-five minute commute there and back with wildlife present (deer, turkeys, cranes, raccoon, rabbits, woodchucks, eagles and hawks) and country roads. I’m respected, valued, paid well, and love the fact that I have early hours. My body doesn’t like getting up at 430a to leave by 6a with work starting at 7a. Ask me how I’m feeling during winter. 

Stella is good too. When we moved back with A, there were two cats in the home. She adjusted better than we thought. After going from being the only cat for three years, she had to get used to other cats. Then we got two more cats, kittens to be exact, who are almost four months old. The catiblings, we call them, ad they are littermates. It didn’t help that the girl kitten jumped on A and licked him, and that boy kitten laid in my lap after playing. We knew then we couldn’t take just one, so we took both of them. 

Life with kittens is like having newborn twins. Especially in the morning when they wake you up licking your face, or trying to. This makes five cats: Miracle, Violet, Stella, plus the twins, Dax and Ruby. Check on me in a month given the food bill for the crew.

Fam is good; went to visit Labor Day weekend. G is in high school and J is in fifth grade. One more niece was welcomed into the family in April, and another niece will arrive in January. So excited!

Other than the job change, nothing much is really going on. Still unpacking things and getting organized, while enjoying country living and the beauty that surrounds it. 

Until next time….

With love,



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