Pro Wrestling: The Sasha Statement

Hey Divas! Another edition of the Diva Show here on a very tired Sunday. Third day of babysitting and I’m on 4.5 hours or so of sleep. I’ve got a sleeping toddler in her bed with quiet dogs in kennels. I had a large coffee earlier and may need to grab a Frappuccino. I do need to go to Target to return something (legit need fellas), so yeah. Then again, Target may not be a good idea for me, just like it’s not a good idea for women in the first place. Grocery shopping and laundry too. Why can’t life be like the Jetsons with Rosie the robot? Being single stinks and adulting stinks worse.
Here we go with the show. Aaron and the team at NODQ posted the link about Sasha being upset that she lost her spot to Rousey at WM 38. The article discusses Banks being upset and feeling like she was lied to, along with WWE wanting Rousey at WM “ ‘because she’s a bigger star’ “.
Wait, what?
If I were Banks, I’d be pissed too. The article (thanks Aaron) stated that creative planned Banks versus Flair months earlier, and changed it when they wanted Rousey back sooner than expected/planned.
Whatever. Sasha is insanely over, she’s cute as a button, and she can talk with style both in wrestling and fashion. She’s the mom in your class who is super chill and friendly, the one who is easily approachable that you feel comfortable around her. It doesn’t help either that she is from a celebrity family, being the cousin of Snoop Dogg, Brandy and Ray J. She was groomed for the spotlight to a degree given her family and she is fun to watch. By contrast, Rousey is the “ ‘just there’ “ person. The one who fits in but doesn’t, the one who simply exists and that’s it. She’s the mom in your class who you get along with yet you feel like you can’t talk to her because she gives off that vibe that she’s quiet. Sasha is bright colors with sequins given her golden brown skin tone with a black father and white mother. Rousey is the flannel and hiking boots girl. At a black tie event, Sasha is comfortable in formal wear, whereas Rousey is the semi semi-formal at the same gala.
Gosh I love some of my analogies. Clearly Sasha is comfortable in the ring and on the mic. Sasha fits. Rousey is uncomfortable in both the ring and on the mic, and it's obvious. While she works within the landscape, she doesn't fit because she isn't a wrestler. Bazler has a similar background to Rousey and Bazler fits due to her edge. Rousey is boring and adds nothing at face value. To be considered popular, the fans have to be invested. From what I can see, the fans don't care about her. I know I don't, and I'd love to see Paige VanZant versus Rousey. Rousey has an ego, and VZ would take out that ego.
So if I understand this correctly, Sasha has worked her ass off to be in the match with Charlotte. Along comes Rousey and said match is given to her for no reason.
Now people are pointing the finger at Sasha, with some saying she needs to grow up and be mature. If you worked your ass off for an opportunity and it was taken away from you, how would you feel? If that opportunity went to the laziest person in your department just because management felt they deserved it without a valid reason, how would you feel?
Now think about how Sasha feels. When employers are toxic, they do things like this. They take the " 'favorites' " or the " 'most qualified' " and promote them based on fluff reasons. In journalism, there is something called a " 'puff piece' ", which is often a publicity article (think US Magazine or other tabloid). The soft article paints a picture of the celebrity as a something they are not, with an effort to get readers and fans behind them, whether it's a good or bad reason. (Kardashians and Duggars are among those who are subject of puff articles).
Creative promoted Rousey like a puff piece based on cotton ball thought: she had a baby and came back, so she deserved the promotion. Hardly. Apparently Sasha was over looked for the same match with harder thought, so of course she had to lose the opportunity.
Is Rousey really needed in WWE? Not really. Does Sasha deserve to be treated like this? NO. Sasha standing up for herself was justified, because if you don't stand up to employers, they will take advantage of you. I remember a previous boss attempting to walk all over me, and she was not liked by families or staff due to her obnoxious, entitled attitude. She knew I had to leave to be at my other job across town and purposely kept me as long as she could just to piss me off, In front of a grandparent, I put my foot down and told her I was leaving. I'll admit I didn't use the most pleasant tone because I was irritated, and I later apologized to the grandparent. Grandparent smiled and said he couldn't have been more proud of me: he said he was tired of her attitude and how she treated people, along with her racist attitude, telling me it was ok what I did " 'because someone needed to put her in her place' ". I felt bad for what I said how I said to some degree and smiled because he was right. She needed what I gave to her and she left me alone for the moment, until she started more shit with me weeks later. (This is what she did because it's who she is).
Had I not stood up for myself that evening during winter, I would've made it to work later. I'm glad I did what I did, and my only regret working with her is that I didn't stand up for myself when it really mattered. The situation that occurred had me taking the high road of not saying a word, because had I said something I would've said exactly what I felt, not caring how it sounded.
Sasha, I'm with you, because I've been there. I know how it feels to be treated in favor of someone who clearly doesn't deserve it. What you did was justified in my eyes and you deserve better. Your suspension is creative's way of refusing to see they are the issue, along with WWE as a whole being one big issue broke down into several issues.
Hey TK: there's a great girl named Mercedes Banks you should check out. She could add life to the Women's Division.
With cherry candles and love,
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