Pro Wrestling: Stop Insulting Our Intelligence....We Want Elias

Hey there! How was your Sunday? Mine was spent working a short shift (fine with me in all honesty) and I was able to get grocery shopping and laundry done. Stella got wedged between the glass door and the screen, so my apartment is really hot at the moment. Any ideas to keep her from scratching the screen, let me know. 

So I'm watching Raw on demand, and once again, I'm not only confused but treated to utter stupidity on behalf of WWE. The segment with KO and the lie detector test was funny (KO is funny as an upset heel) and Chad Gable is a geek. (Then again so am I to a degree, plus I wear glasses. Guys make passes at girls who wear glasses, or do they)? Geeks are cool. New and intriguing characters are cool. What's not cool is taking a good character who was fun to watch and repackaging him. Back in the day it was acceptable: Scott Hall went from playing himself to the The Diamond Studd which flopped, and to Razor. The Razor character was a play on Tony Montana from "Scarface" and Hall played the part with perfection and precision that fans loved him. Same goes for Kevin Nash who played a terrible gimmick or two as both Oz and Vinnie Vegas in WCW. He went on to become Diesel and eventually Kevin Nash. Other characters had makeovers or repackaging as well, and the beauty of this back then was the little known information on the character playing a person. The internet was nonexistent at the time, so we knew nothing about the people behind the characters. I remember being in a Waldenbook store (yes children, they once existed) and was paging through an issue of PWI. It was a year or two into the Razor era and I had no clue that Razor was played by Scott Hall, whom I loved in the AWA as a child. 

A little makeup and a little change can do wonders on a person. It did for Hall, Nash, The Usos, Reigns, Sting as his crow character, The pairing with Edge made Damian Priest more interesting. When actual makeup is applied correctly, it can enhance the face. When working with a new or unique eye palette, it can look wonderous by knowing what colors go together along with proper brush use and blending. I I tried a new palette today and loved how it turned out). 

With the repacking of Elias, WWE missed the lesson on previous makeovers. The lie detector test was pointless, largely because we know who Ezekiel is. Everyone knows who he is. WWE is laughing at us by passing this made over character off as someone else and they are taking joy at insulting the fans and our intelligence. 

Enough creative. All of you are supposedly college educated and this is what you come up with. You have "nothing" for Elias so you repackage him and insult us at the same time. I have news for you: the fans are not stupid and we know who Ezekiel is. Obviously you have issues doing your job as writers or nobody is checking your work because a real writer with knowledge of wrestling history wouldn't have done this. 

WWE: We Want Elias. And while we're at it, we wonder what Creative was thinking when they created Ezekiel. 

With a good night and love,



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