Pro Wrestling: Closing My Wallet For Now With WWE
Oh hey there Divas! It’s your favorite diva (and today was a real diva day) and pro wrestling fan back with another one. Getting back into the groove one week after Easter and still giggling at my sister’s mother in law drunk. (The one where the old lady drinks was a perfect hashtag). Rainy and chilly week here in Wisco (I think Mother Nature is playing a terrible extended April Fools Day joke) and one girl in pain. Seeing the dentist on Tuesday. Spending this beautiful Saturday babysitting (what else) and working tomorrow. Power: Force is done for the season and BMF isn’t back until the fall. What’s a girl to watch? The Thing About Pam with Renee Zellweger looks good, as does the series about the kidnapping of Steven Stayner. (Any recs on what to watch, send them my way. I like docuseries, comedy and detective shows).
Anyway, on with the show. WWE was in Milwaukee two weeks ago for SD; I passed on the opportunity to attend. Christian posted the recent tweet regarding the lack of quality within WWE programming. (Thanks for the tweet and the inspiration!) In his tweet, he posted that AEW puts out a better product compared to a company that’s been around for generations.
For those of you that disagree, that’s your opinion and I’m cool with that. Yet when you think of WWE you have the following:
SD is the Charlotte show
The wheel is spinning for opponents for Reigns (and continues to spin. And spin. And spin. And….Creative can’t come up with a credible opponent)
Shinsuke and Reigns (seriously?)
Usos and RK-Bro
Rousey being made relevant and shoved down our throats like Reigns was years ago (she’s not a wrestler, can’t talk, and she’s boring)
Whatever is happening on Raw is whatever is happening on Raw (I keep forgetting to record it). What I do know is that creative ruined Elias, KO is confused (heel, face, heel, face; what is he exactly), Edge and Priest are taking a journey together and Chad Gable is this generation’s Kurt Angle.
I love the Bloodline, and I dig the Street Profits. I also respect Sasha, Sonya, and Bianca, plus Lacey. Others that I like are KO and Elias.
But I won’t open my wallet for WWE, because it’s too repetitive and routine. It’s like applying for the promotion you are well qualified for, only it goes to the person you figured it would go to. WWE is watching the movie while doing something while not paying attention to the movie but you know how it ends without watching it.
WWE is now one major spoiler no matter how you look at it. It’s pointless to watch to some degree based on the lack of interesting characters in storylines that command attention.
AEW on the other hand, has the following:
Danhausen (at first I thought this guy was ridiculous and boring but the more I see him, the funnier he is)
Hook. He reminds me of a younger Tazz with a touch of modern. I had the pleasure of seeing Tazz several years ago and it was worth the money. The segment between Danhausen and Hook was not only entertaining but serious giving Hook a more interesting hook on his character (no pun intended)
Britt Baker. She’s cute as a button and a genuine role model, as she is a dentist plus wrestler achieving the goal that most of may not be able to handle.
Jade Cargill. At first I didn’t care for her but she’s really grown on me.
Jericho. If God had a favorite wrestler, it would be Chris Jericho. Whether he’s a face, an obnoxious heel, or comedy, he can do anything. (Yes I was singing Judas at Dynamite/Rampage when I went in November).
MJF. What’s understood doesn’t need to be explained. He’s so good you can’t help but to love him for being a great heel and hate him because he’s a heel.
Punk. I’m from Chicago, so nothing else needs to be said.
Wardlow. This man is like Times Square and Rockefeller Center at Christmas combined with the beauty of Chicago in summer. He is the next big thing and has a smile that lights up, well, anything. (It doesn’t help that I’m a fan and that he could be my boyfriend 😁).
Finally, the two things that AEW has are unique characters without direction. AEW characters are different and we don’t know what will happen because it’s unpredictable.
Chris has a valid point with his tweet. I dare you to say he doesn’t. Why spend money on the predictable when you can watch the unpredictable instead?
My wallet is open for AEW.
With Lou’s pasta and love,
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