New Classroom, Day Three

 Oh hey there Divas! Just a girl on Wednesday night after her third day in her new class. Second day of rain here in Wisco (at least it’s not snow). I’m on the couch with General Hospital on, Stella is laying in her favorite spot, a plastic tote, and dinner is in the oven. Made run to Walmart for materials for activities for next week’s lesson plan, which included plastic eggs, Peeps, and card stock. (I spend money on my own classroom-been doing that for years. You would think the lottery gods would understand that so I can win a jackpot). 

Or maybe I already won, and money isn’t what makes me rich. 

Today the kids were super excited to make “rainbow rice” (food coloring, rubbing alcohol and rice). I told them we would make it yesterday, and I was in such a hurry to get out the door I forgot the food coloring and I forgot to feed and water Stella (I won’t be winning as a cat mom). Today I remembered to do both and when I got to work, the first thing they asked was to make the rice. We were able to get outside today (this morning) and we used matchbox cars to paint car tracks (our theme is transportation). 

They were busy, and they loved every minute of it. 

The parents? Happy. Happy that there’s more structure compared to what it used to be. 

And that is my third day in the classroom and why I feel like I’ve won the lottery. 

Tomorrow will consist of playing with rice and dancing with balloons if it rains. I, in turn, will love every minute of it too. 

With raindrops and love, 



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